I am proud to be among the most admired global indians.

About Me

What started out as just another management graduate trying to figure out his passion in the city of New York has now ended in becoming Sr. Managing Director and Head of Investment Banking at Goldstein, Roth & Company. Goldstein, Roth & Co. is the Investment Banking arm for E. Pabaney & Co. and a strategic partner of Cantor Fritzgerald, worlds largest privately held Investment Bank. Goldstein Roth & Co focuses on Financing, M&As and PE fund raising, with transaction sizes of USD 75 Million and above. I was awarded as one of the top 50 Global Indians for 2020 by Passion Vista and also amongst 40 under 40 for year 2020 by Indian Achiever’s Club. The journey has had its ups and downs, but I would not have it any other way.

I graduated from US with a degree in management and to pursue my passion further, I completed my MBA with Specialization in Strategy & Finance from University of London.

In my professional life, I have worn many hats - right from being a private equity specialist at ICICI Ventures to being the Senior Director at Country Garden Group, the largest real estate developer in the world and a Fortune 500 company. But I think it is my unfaltering passion for investment banking that has kept me going all through these years.

I have had the pleasure of associating with E&Y, ICICI Ventures, Merrill Lynch as an investment banker. I was fortunate enough to have spearheaded transactions such as Bharti Tele Ventures IPO and TCG acquisition of the World Trade Centre.

When I look back now, all the experiences I have had and the people I have met in the journey have had a very important part to play in my journey as now the Managing Director of Goldstein, Roth & Company.